Before we Start

Figure 1

RStudio extends what R can do, and makes it easier to write R code and interact with R.
automatic car gear shift representing the ease of RStudio

RStudio extends what R can do, and makes it easier to write R code and interact with R. Left photo credit; Right photo credit.

Figure 2

RStudio extends what R can do, and makes it easier to write R code and interact with R.

Figure 3

automatic car gear shift representing the ease of RStudio

Figure 4


Figure 5

Example of a working directory structure

Figure 6

Packages pane

Figure 7

Install Packages Window

Introduction to R

Starting with Data

Figure 1

A 3 by 3 data frame with columns showing numeric, character and logical values.

Figure 2

Monsters at a fork in the road, with signs saying here, and not here. One direction, not here, leads to a scary dark forest with spiders and absolute filepaths, while the other leads to a sunny, green meadow, and a city below a rainbow and a world free of absolute filepaths. Art by Allison Horst
Image credit: Allison Horst

Figure 3

Yes/no bar graph showing number of individuals who are members of irrigation association

Figure 4

Bar plot of association membership, showing missing responses.

Figure 5

bar graph showing number of individuals who are members of irrigation association, including undetermined option

Data Wrangling with dplyr

Data Wrangling with tidyr

Figure 1

Long and wide dataframe layouts mainly affect readability. You may find that visually you may prefer the “wide” format, since you can see more of the data on the screen. However, all of the R functions we have used thus far expect for your data to be in a “long” data format. This is because the long format is more machine readable and is closer to the formatting of databases.

Figure 2

Figure 3

Data Visualisation with ggplot2

Figure 1

Figure 2

Scatter plot of number of items owned versus number of household members.

Figure 3

Scatter plot of number of items owned versus number of household members, with transparency added to points.

Figure 4

Scatter plot of number of items owned versus number of household members, showing jitter.

Figure 5

Scatter plot of number of items owned versus number of household members, with jitter and transparency.

Figure 6

Scatter plot of number of items owned versus number of household members, showing points as blue.

Figure 7

Figure 8

Previous plot with dots colored by village.

Figure 9

Scatter plot showing positive trend between number of household members and number of items owned.

Figure 10

Box plot of number of rooms by wall type.

Figure 11

Previous plot with dot plot added as additional layer to show individual values. Boxplot layer is transparent.

Figure 12

Figure 13

Box plot of number of livestock owned by wall type, with dot plot added as additional layer to show individual values.

Figure 14

Previous plot with dots colored based on whether respondent was a member of an irrigation association.

Figure 15

Bar plot showing counts of respondent wall types.

Figure 16

Stacked bar plot of wall types showing each village as a different color.

Figure 17

Bar plot of respondent wall types with each village as a separate bar.

Figure 18

Side by side bar plot showing percent of respondents in each village with each wall type.

Figure 19

Bar plot showing percent of respondents in each village who were part of association.

Figure 20

Previous plot with plot title and labells added.

Figure 21

Bar plot showing percent of each wall type in each village.

Figure 22

Bar plot showing percent of each wall type in each village, with black and white theme applied.

Figure 23

Multi-panel bar chart showing percent  of respondents in each village and who owned each item, with no grids behid bars.

Figure 24

Figure 25

Figure 26

Multi-panel bar charts showing percent of respondents in each village and who owned each item, with grids behind the bars.

Figure 27

Getting started with R Markdown (Optional)

Figure 1

R Markdown wizard monsters creating a R Markdown document from a recipe. Art by Allison Horst
Image credit: Allison Horst

Figure 2

Screenshot of the New R Markdown file dialogue box in RStudio

Figure 3

The 'knitting' process: First, R Markdown is converted to Markdown, which is then converted (via pandoc) to .html, .pdf, .docx, etc.

Figure 4

Figure 5

I made this plot while attending an awesome Data Carpentries workshop where I learned a ton of cool stuff!
I made this plot while attending an awesome Data Carpentries workshop where I learned a ton of cool stuff!

Processing JSON data (Optional)