Before we start

Short Introduction to Programming in Python

Starting With Data

Figure 1

Weight by Species Site Count per species site

Figure 2

Stacked Bar Plot

Figure 3

Stacked Bar Plot

Indexing, Slicing and Subsetting DataFrames in Python

Figure 1

indexing diagramslicing diagram

Data Types and Formats

Combining DataFrames with Pandas

Figure 1

Inner join -- courtesy of

Figure 2

Left Join

Data Workflows and Automation

Making Plots With plotnine

Figure 1

scatter plot of hindfoot length vs weight with black dots denoting individual sampled animals, showing 4 main clusters of dots in the middle and left middle sides

Figure 2

bar chart of count of rodents caught at each plot site

Figure 3

scatter plot of hindfoot-length vs weight of rodents,  showing a curve increasing to a plateau

Figure 4

scatter plot of hindfoot-length vs weight  of rodents, demonstrating overplotting

Figure 5

scatter plot of Hindfoot length vs weight with colors coordinating to specfic species, showing abundance in the mid to lower left side of the plot

Figure 6

scatter plot of Hindfoot length vs weight (g) with colors coordinating to specfic species, showing abundance in the mid to lower left side of the plot

Figure 7

Scatterplot of hindfoot length versus weight where logarithmic x-axis is used to distribute lower numbers

Figure 8

Scatterplot of hindfoot length versus weight on a logarithmic x-axis using a white background

Figure 9

Bar chart of counts of males (yellow) and females (blue) vs plot id, showing the number of females to be higher in all plots

Figure 10

boxplot showing distribution of rodent weight for each species group

Figure 11

Boxplot of weight by species overlaying observation points to visualize the distribution

Figure 12

Violin plot of weight of species shown with weight scaled down and datapoints with color.

Figure 13

Line graph of count per year where data for each species is indicated by a different color

Figure 14

2 scatter plots, one for males and the other for females, of hindfoot length vs weight with colored dots denoting specific species, showing the trend is the same between both male and females of multiple species

Figure 15

24 individual scatter plots of Hindfoot length vs weight of species with colors denoting species and numbers above plot representing 1 of the 24 plots, showing trends for each unique plot id studied

Figure 16

Set of 4 color scatterplots showing the relationship between weight and hind foot length for 13 species, separated by sex and year

Figure 17

Bar graph of count per year showing ovelapping x-axis labels

Figure 18

Bar graph of count per year demonstrating how the theme function rotates the x-axis labels

Figure 19

Bar graph of count per year demonstrating the use of a customized theme

Data Ingest and Visualization - Matplotlib and Pandas

Figure 1

Scatter plot of survey data set

Figure 2

Histogram of 1000 samples from normal distribution

Figure 3

Plot with additional axes

Figure 4

Extended version of scatter plot surveys

Figure 5

Extended version of plotnine scatter plot

Figure 6

Flood event plot

Accessing SQLite Databases Using Python and Pandas