Content from Introduction

Last updated on 2023-04-24 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 25 minutes



  • How can I make my results easier to reproduce?


  • Explain what Make is for.
  • Explain why Make differs from shell scripts.
  • Name other popular build tools.

Let’s imagine that we’re interested in testing Zipf’s Law in some of our favorite books.

Zipf’s Law

The most frequently-occurring word occurs approximately twice as often as the second most frequent word. This is Zipf’s Law.

We’ve compiled our raw data i.e. the books we want to analyze and have prepared several Python scripts that together make up our analysis pipeline.

Let’s take quick look at one of the books using the command head books/isles.txt.

Our directory has the Python scripts and data files we will be working with:


|- books
|  |- abyss.txt
|  |- isles.txt
|  |- last.txt
|  |-
|  |- sierra.txt

The first step is to count the frequency of each word in a book. For this purpose we will use a python script which takes two command line arguments. The first argument is the input file (books/isles.txt) and the second is the output file that is generated (here isles.dat) by processing the input.


$ python books/isles.txt isles.dat

Let’s take a quick peek at the result.


$ head -5 isles.dat

This shows us the top 5 lines in the output file:


the 3822 6.7371760973
of 2460 4.33632998414
and 1723 3.03719372466
to 1479 2.60708619778
a 1308 2.30565838181

We can see that the file consists of one row per word. Each row shows the word itself, the number of occurrences of that word, and the number of occurrences as a percentage of the total number of words in the text file.

We can do the same thing for a different book:


$ python books/abyss.txt abyss.dat
$ head -5 abyss.dat


the 4044 6.35449402891
and 2807 4.41074795726
of 1907 2.99654305468
a 1594 2.50471401634
to 1515 2.38057825267

Let’s visualize the results. The script reads in a data file and plots the 10 most frequently occurring words as a text-based bar plot:


$ python isles.dat ascii


the   ########################################################################
of    ##############################################
and   ################################
to    ############################
a     #########################
in    ###################
is    #################
that  ############
by    ###########
it    ########### can also show the plot graphically:


$ python isles.dat show

Close the window to exit the plot. can also create the plot as an image file (e.g. a PNG file):


$ python isles.dat isles.png

Finally, let’s test Zipf’s law for these books:


$ python abyss.dat isles.dat


Book	First	Second	Ratio
abyss	4044	2807	1.44
isles	3822	2460	1.55

So we’re not too far off from Zipf’s law.

Together these scripts implement a common workflow:

  1. Read a data file.
  2. Perform an analysis on this data file.
  3. Write the analysis results to a new file.
  4. Plot a graph of the analysis results.
  5. Save the graph as an image, so we can put it in a paper.
  6. Make a summary table of the analyses

Running and at the shell prompt, as we have been doing, is fine for one or two files. If, however, we had 5 or 10 or 20 text files, or if the number of steps in the pipeline were to expand, this could turn into a lot of work. Plus, no one wants to sit and wait for a command to finish, even just for 30 seconds.

The most common solution to the tedium of data processing is to write a shell script that runs the whole pipeline from start to finish.

So to reproduce the tasks that we have just done we create a new file named in which we place the commands one by one. Using a text editor of your choice (e.g. for nano use the command nano copy and paste the following text and save it.


# USAGE: bash
# to produce plots for isles and abyss
# and the summary table for the Zipf's law tests

python books/isles.txt isles.dat
python books/abyss.txt abyss.dat

python isles.dat isles.png
python abyss.dat abyss.png

# Generate summary table
python abyss.dat isles.dat > results.txt

Run the script and check that the output is the same as before:


$ bash
$ cat results.txt

This shell script solves several problems in computational reproducibility:

  1. It explicitly documents our pipeline, making communication with colleagues (and our future selves) more efficient.
  2. It allows us to type a single command, bash, to reproduce the full analysis.
  3. It prevents us from repeating typos or mistakes. You might not get it right the first time, but once you fix something it’ll stay fixed.

Despite these benefits it has a few shortcomings.

Let’s adjust the width of the bars in our plot produced by

Edit so that the bars are 0.8 units wide instead of 1 unit. (Hint: replace width = 1.0 with width = 0.8 in the definition of plot_word_counts.)

Now we want to recreate our figures. We could just bash again. That would work, but it could also be a big pain if counting words takes more than a few seconds. The word counting routine hasn’t changed; we shouldn’t need to recreate those files.

Alternatively, we could manually rerun the plotting for each word-count file. (Experienced shell scripters can make this easier on themselves using a for-loop.)


for book in abyss isles; do
    python $book.dat $book.png

With this approach, however, we don’t get many of the benefits of having a shell script in the first place.

Another popular option is to comment out a subset of the lines in


# USAGE: bash
# to produce plots for isles and abyss
# and the summary table for the Zipf's law tests.

# These lines are commented out because they don't need to be rerun.
#python books/isles.txt isles.dat
#python books/abyss.txt abyss.dat

python isles.dat isles.png
python abyss.dat abyss.png

# Generate summary table
# This line is also commented out because it doesn't need to be rerun.
#python abyss.dat isles.dat > results.txt

Then, we would run our modified shell script using bash

But commenting out these lines, and subsequently uncommenting them, can be a hassle and source of errors in complicated pipelines.

What we really want is an executable description of our pipeline that allows software to do the tricky part for us: figuring out what steps need to be rerun.

For our pipeline Make can execute the commands needed to run our analysis and plot our results. Like shell scripts it allows us to execute complex sequences of commands via a single shell command. Unlike shell scripts it explicitly records the dependencies between files - what files are needed to create what other files - and so can determine when to recreate our data files or image files, if our text files change. Make can be used for any commands that follow the general pattern of processing files to create new files, for example:

  • Run analysis scripts on raw data files to get data files that summarize the raw data (e.g. creating files with word counts from book text).
  • Run visualization scripts on data files to produce plots (e.g. creating images of word counts).
  • Parse and combine text files and plots to create papers.
  • Compile source code into executable programs or libraries.

There are now many build tools available, for example Apache ANT, doit, and nmake for Windows. Which is best for you depends on your requirements, intended usage, and operating system. However, they all share the same fundamental concepts as Make.

Also, you might come across build generation scripts e.g. GNU Autoconf and CMake. Those tools do not run the pipelines directly, but rather generate files for use with the build tools.

Why Use Make if it is Almost 40 Years Old?

Make development was started by Stuart Feldman in 1977 as a Bell Labs summer intern. Since then it has been undergoing an active development and several implementations are available. Since it solves a common issue of workflow management, it remains in widespread use even today.

Researchers working with legacy codes in C or FORTRAN, which are very common in high-performance computing, will, very likely encounter Make.

Researchers can use Make for implementing reproducible research workflows, automating data analysis and visualisation (using Python or R) and combining tables and plots with text to produce reports and papers for publication.

Make’s fundamental concepts are common across build tools.

GNU Make is a free-libre, fast, well-documented, and very popular Make implementation. From now on, we will focus on it, and when we say Make, we mean GNU Make.

Key Points

  • Make allows us to specify what depends on what and how to update things that are out of date.

Content from Makefiles

Last updated on 2023-04-24 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 40 minutes



  • How do I write a simple Makefile?


  • Recognize the key parts of a Makefile, rules, targets, dependencies and actions.
  • Write a simple Makefile.
  • Run Make from the shell.
  • Explain when and why to mark targets as .PHONY.
  • Explain constraints on dependencies.

Create a file, called Makefile, with the following content:

# Count words.
isles.dat : books/isles.txt
	python books/isles.txt isles.dat

This is a build file, which for Make is called a Makefile - a file executed by Make. Note how it resembles one of the lines from our shell script.

Let us go through each line in turn:

  • # denotes a comment. Any text from # to the end of the line is ignored by Make but could be very helpful for anyone reading your Makefile.
  • isles.dat is a target, a file to be created, or built.
  • books/isles.txt is a dependency, a file that is needed to build or update the target. Targets can have zero or more dependencies.
  • A colon, :, separates targets from dependencies.
  • python books/isles.txt isles.dat is an action, a command to run to build or update the target using the dependencies. Targets can have zero or more actions. These actions form a recipe to build the target from its dependencies and are executed similarly to a shell script.
  • Actions are indented using a single TAB character, not 8 spaces. This is a legacy of Make’s 1970’s origins. If the difference between spaces and a TAB character isn’t obvious in your editor, try moving your cursor from one side of the TAB to the other. It should jump four or more spaces.
  • Together, the target, dependencies, and actions form a rule.

Our rule above describes how to build the target isles.dat using the action python and the dependency books/isles.txt.

Information that was implicit in our shell script - that we are generating a file called isles.dat and that creating this file requires books/isles.txt - is now made explicit by Make’s syntax.

Let’s first ensure we start from scratch and delete the .dat and .png files we created earlier:


$ rm *.dat *.png

By default, Make looks for a Makefile, called Makefile, and we can run Make as follows:


$ make

By default, Make prints out the actions it executes:


python books/isles.txt isles.dat

If we see,


Makefile:3: *** missing separator.  Stop.

then we have used a space instead of a TAB characters to indent one of our actions.

Let’s see if we got what we expected.


head -5 isles.dat

The first 5 lines of isles.dat should look exactly like before.

Makefiles Do Not Have to be Called Makefile

We don’t have to call our Makefile Makefile. However, if we call it something else we need to tell Make where to find it. This we can do using -f flag. For example, if our Makefile is named MyOtherMakefile:


$ make -f MyOtherMakefile

Sometimes, the suffix .mk will be used to identify Makefiles that are not called Makefile e.g., etc.

When we re-run our Makefile, Make now informs us that:


make: `isles.dat' is up to date.

This is because our target, isles.dat, has now been created, and Make will not create it again. To see how this works, let’s pretend to update one of the text files. Rather than opening the file in an editor, we can use the shell touch command to update its timestamp (which would happen if we did edit the file):


$ touch books/isles.txt

If we compare the timestamps of books/isles.txt and isles.dat,


$ ls -l books/isles.txt isles.dat

then we see that isles.dat, the target, is now older than books/isles.txt, its dependency:


-rw-r--r--    1 mjj      Administ   323972 Jun 12 10:35 books/isles.txt
-rw-r--r--    1 mjj      Administ   182273 Jun 12 09:58 isles.dat

If we run Make again,


$ make

then it recreates isles.dat:


python books/isles.txt isles.dat

When it is asked to build a target, Make checks the ‘last modification time’ of both the target and its dependencies. If any dependency has been updated since the target, then the actions are re-run to update the target. Using this approach, Make knows to only rebuild the files that, either directly or indirectly, depend on the file that changed. This is called an incremental build.

Makefiles as Documentation

By explicitly recording the inputs to and outputs from steps in our analysis and the dependencies between files, Makefiles act as a type of documentation, reducing the number of things we have to remember.

Let’s add another rule to the end of Makefile:

abyss.dat : books/abyss.txt
	python books/abyss.txt abyss.dat

If we run Make,


$ make

then we get:


make: `isles.dat' is up to date.

Nothing happens because Make attempts to build the first target it finds in the Makefile, the default target, which is isles.dat which is already up-to-date. We need to explicitly tell Make we want to build abyss.dat:


$ make abyss.dat

Now, we get:


python books/abyss.txt abyss.dat

“Up to Date” Versus “Nothing to be Done”

If we ask Make to build a file that already exists and is up to date, then Make informs us that:


make: `isles.dat' is up to date.

If we ask Make to build a file that exists but for which there is no rule in our Makefile, then we get message like:


$ make


make: Nothing to be done for `'.

up to date means that the Makefile has a rule with one or more actions whose target is the name of a file (or directory) and the file is up to date.

Nothing to be done means that the file exists but either :

  • the Makefile has no rule for it, or
  • the Makefile has a rule for it, but that rule has no actions

We may want to remove all our data files so we can explicitly recreate them all. We can introduce a new target, and associated rule, to do this. We will call it clean, as this is a common name for rules that delete auto-generated files, like our .dat files:

clean :
  rm -f *.dat

This is an example of a rule that has no dependencies. clean has no dependencies on any .dat file as it makes no sense to create these just to remove them. We just want to remove the data files whether or not they exist. If we run Make and specify this target,


$ make clean

then we get:


rm -f *.dat

There is no actual thing built called clean. Rather, it is a short-hand that we can use to execute a useful sequence of actions. Such targets, though very useful, can lead to problems. For example, let us recreate our data files, create a directory called clean, then run Make:


$ make isles.dat abyss.dat
$ mkdir clean
$ make clean

We get:


make: `clean' is up to date.

Make finds a file (or directory) called clean and, as its clean rule has no dependencies, assumes that clean has been built and is up-to-date and so does not execute the rule’s actions. As we are using clean as a short-hand, we need to tell Make to always execute this rule if we run make clean, by telling Make that this is a phony target, that it does not build anything. This we do by marking the target as .PHONY:

.PHONY : clean
clean :
  rm -f *.dat

If we run Make,


$ make clean

then we get:


rm -f *.dat

We can add a similar command to create all the data files. We can put this at the top of our Makefile so that it is the default target, which is executed by default if no target is given to the make command:

.PHONY : dats
dats : isles.dat abyss.dat

This is an example of a rule that has dependencies that are targets of other rules. When Make runs, it will check to see if the dependencies exist and, if not, will see if rules are available that will create these. If such rules exist it will invoke these first, otherwise Make will raise an error.


The order of rebuilding dependencies is arbitrary. You should not assume that they will be built in the order in which they are listed.

Dependencies must form a directed acyclic graph. A target cannot depend on a dependency which itself, or one of its dependencies, depends on that target.

This rule (dats) is also an example of a rule that has no actions. It is used purely to trigger the build of its dependencies, if needed.

If we run,


$ make dats

then Make creates the data files:


python books/isles.txt isles.dat
python books/abyss.txt abyss.dat

If we run make dats again, then Make will see that the dependencies (isles.dat and abyss.dat) are already up to date. Given the target dats has no actions, there is nothing to be done:


$ make dats


make: Nothing to be done for `dats'.

Our Makefile now looks like this:

# Count words.
.PHONY : dats
dats : isles.dat abyss.dat

isles.dat : books/isles.txt
	python books/isles.txt isles.dat

abyss.dat : books/abyss.txt
	python books/abyss.txt abyss.dat

.PHONY : clean
clean :
	rm -f *.dat

The following figure shows a graph of the dependencies embodied within our Makefile, involved in building the dats target:

Dependencies represented within the Makefile

Write Two New Rules

  1. Write a new rule for last.dat, created from books/last.txt.
  2. Update the dats rule with this target.
  3. Write a new rule for results.txt, which creates the summary table. The rule needs to:
  • Depend upon each of the three .dat files.
  • Invoke the action python abyss.dat isles.dat last.dat > results.txt.
  1. Put this rule at the top of the Makefile so that it is the default target.
  2. Update clean so that it removes results.txt.

The starting Makefile is here.

See this file for a solution.

The following figure shows the dependencies embodied within our Makefile, involved in building the results.txt target:

results.txt dependencies represented within the Makefile

Key Points

  • Use # for comments in Makefiles.
  • Write rules as target: dependencies.
  • Specify update actions in a tab-indented block under the rule.
  • Use .PHONY to mark targets that don’t correspond to files.

Content from Automatic Variables

Last updated on 2023-04-24 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 15 minutes



  • How can I abbreviate the rules in my Makefiles?


  • Use Make automatic variables to remove duplication in a Makefile.
  • Explain why shell wildcards in dependencies can cause problems.

After the exercise at the end of the previous episode, our Makefile looked like this:

# Generate summary table.
results.txt : isles.dat abyss.dat last.dat
	python abyss.dat isles.dat last.dat > results.txt

# Count words.
.PHONY : dats
dats : isles.dat abyss.dat last.dat

isles.dat : books/isles.txt
	python books/isles.txt isles.dat

abyss.dat : books/abyss.txt
	python books/abyss.txt abyss.dat

last.dat : books/last.txt
	python books/last.txt last.dat

.PHONY : clean
clean :
	rm -f *.dat
	rm -f results.txt

Our Makefile has a lot of duplication. For example, the names of text files and data files are repeated in many places throughout the Makefile. Makefiles are a form of code and, in any code, repeated code can lead to problems e.g. we rename a data file in one part of the Makefile but forget to rename it elsewhere.

D.R.Y. (Don’t Repeat Yourself)

In many programming languages, the bulk of the language features are there to allow the programmer to describe long-winded computational routines as short, expressive, beautiful code. Features in Python or R or Java, such as user-defined variables and functions are useful in part because they mean we don’t have to write out (or think about) all of the details over and over again. This good habit of writing things out only once is known as the “Don’t Repeat Yourself” principle or D.R.Y.

Let us set about removing some of the repetition from our Makefile.

In our results.txt rule we duplicate the data file names and the name of the results file name:

results.txt : isles.dat abyss.dat last.dat
	python abyss.dat isles.dat last.dat > results.txt

Looking at the results file name first, we can replace it in the action with $@:

results.txt : isles.dat abyss.dat last.dat
	python abyss.dat isles.dat last.dat > $@

$@ is a Make automatic variable which means ‘the target of the current rule’. When Make is run it will replace this variable with the target name.

We can replace the dependencies in the action with $^:

results.txt : isles.dat abyss.dat last.dat
	python $^ > $@

$^ is another automatic variable which means ‘all the dependencies of the current rule’. Again, when Make is run it will replace this variable with the dependencies.

Let’s update our text files and re-run our rule:


$ touch books/*.txt
$ make results.txt

We get:


python books/isles.txt isles.dat
python books/abyss.txt abyss.dat
python books/last.txt last.dat
python isles.dat abyss.dat last.dat > results.txt

Update Dependencies

What will happen if you now execute:


$ touch *.dat
$ make results.txt
  1. nothing
  2. all files recreated
  3. only .dat files recreated
  4. only results.txt recreated

4. Only results.txt recreated.

The rules for *.dat are not executed because their corresponding .txt files haven’t been modified.

If you run:


$ touch books/*.txt
$ make results.txt

you will find that the .dat files as well as results.txt are recreated.

As we saw, $^ means ‘all the dependencies of the current rule’. This works well for results.txt as its action treats all the dependencies the same - as the input for the script.

However, for some rules, we may want to treat the first dependency differently. For example, our rules for .dat use their first (and only) dependency specifically as the input file to If we add additional dependencies (as we will soon do) then we don’t want these being passed as input files to as it expects only one input file to be named when it is invoked.

Make provides an automatic variable for this, $< which means ‘the first dependency of the current rule’.

Rewrite .dat Rules to Use Automatic Variables

Rewrite each .dat rule to use the automatic variables $@ (‘the target of the current rule’) and $< (‘the first dependency of the current rule’). This file contains the Makefile immediately before the challenge.

See this file for a solution to this challenge.

Key Points

  • Use $@ to refer to the target of the current rule.
  • Use $^ to refer to the dependencies of the current rule.
  • Use $< to refer to the first dependency of the current rule.

Content from Dependencies on Data and Code

Last updated on 2023-04-24 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 20 minutes



  • How can I write a Makefile to update things when my scripts have changed rather than my input files?


  • Output files are a product not only of input files but of the scripts or code that created the output files.
  • Recognize and avoid false dependencies.

Our Makefile now looks like this:

# Generate summary table.
results.txt : isles.dat abyss.dat last.dat
	python $^ > $@

# Count words.
.PHONY : dats
dats : isles.dat abyss.dat last.dat

isles.dat : books/isles.txt
	python $< $@

abyss.dat : books/abyss.txt
	python $< $@

last.dat : books/last.txt
	python $< $@

.PHONY : clean
clean :
	rm -f *.dat
	rm -f results.txt

Our data files are produced using not only the input text files but also the script that processes the text files and creates the data files. A change to (e.g. adding a new column of summary data or removing an existing one) results in changes to the .dat files it outputs. So, let’s pretend to edit, using touch, and re-run Make:


$ make dats
$ touch
$ make dats

Nothing happens! Though we’ve updated our data files are not updated because our rules for creating .dat files don’t record any dependencies on

We need to add as a dependency of each of our data files also:

isles.dat : books/isles.txt
	python $< $@

abyss.dat : books/abyss.txt
	python $< $@

last.dat : books/last.txt
	python $< $@

If we pretend to edit and re-run Make,


$ touch
$ make dats

then we get:


python books/isles.txt isles.dat
python books/abyss.txt abyss.dat
python books/last.txt last.dat

Dry run

make can show the commands it will execute without actually running them if we pass the -n flag:


$ touch
$ make -n dats

This gives the same output to the screen as without the -n flag, but the commands are not actually run. Using this ‘dry-run’ mode is a good way to check that you have set up your Makefile properly before actually running the commands in it.

The following figure shows a graph of the dependencies, that are involved in building the target results.txt. Notice the recently added dependencies and This is how the Makefile should look after completing the rest of the exercises in this episode.

results.txt dependencies after adding and as dependencies

Why Don’t the .txt Files Depend on

.txt files are input files and as such have no dependencies. To make these depend on would introduce a false dependency which is not desirable.

Intuitively, we should also add as a dependency for results.txt, because the final table should be rebuilt if we remake the .dat files. However, it turns out we don’t have to do that! Let’s see what happens to results.txt when we update


$ touch
$ make results.txt

then we get:


python books/abyss.txt abyss.dat
python books/isles.txt isles.dat
python books/last.txt last.dat
python abyss.dat isles.dat last.dat > results.txt

The whole pipeline is triggered, even the creation of the results.txt file! To understand this, note that according to the dependency figure, results.txt depends on the .dat files. The update of triggers an update of the *.dat files. Thus, make sees that the dependencies (the .dat files) are newer than the target file (results.txt) and thus it recreates results.txt. This is an example of the power of make: updating a subset of the files in the pipeline triggers rerunning the appropriate downstream steps.

Updating One Input File

What will happen if you now execute:


$ touch books/last.txt
$ make results.txt
  1. only last.dat is recreated
  2. all .dat files are recreated
  3. only last.dat and results.txt are recreated
  4. all .dat and results.txt are recreated

3. only last.dat and results.txt are recreated.

Follow the dependency tree to understand the answer(s). as a Dependency of results.txt.

What would happen if you added as dependency of results.txt, and why?

If you change the rule for the results.txt file like this:

results.txt : isles.dat abyss.dat last.dat
        python $^ > $@ becomes a part of $^, thus the command becomes


python abyss.dat isles.dat last.dat > results.txt

This results in an error from as it tries to parse the script as if it were a .dat file. Try this by running:


$ make results.txt

You’ll get


python abyss.dat isles.dat last.dat > results.txt
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 19, in <module>
    counts = load_word_counts(input_file)
  File "path/to/", line 39, in load_word_counts
    counts.append((fields[0], int(fields[1]), float(fields[2])))
IndexError: list index out of range
make: *** [results.txt] Error 1

We still have to add the script as dependency to results.txt. Given the answer to the challenge above, we need to make a couple of small changes so that we can still use automatic variables.

We’ll move to be the first dependency and then edit the action so that we pass all the dependencies as arguments to python using $^.

results.txt : isles.dat abyss.dat last.dat
	python $^ > $@

Where We Are

This Makefile contains everything done so far in this topic.

Key Points

  • Make results depend on processing scripts as well as data files.
  • Dependencies are transitive: if A depends on B and B depends on C, a change to C will indirectly trigger an update to A.

Content from Pattern Rules

Last updated on 2023-04-24 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 10 minutes



  • How can I define rules to operate on similar files?


  • Write Make pattern rules.

Our Makefile still has repeated content. The rules for each .dat file are identical apart from the text and data file names. We can replace these rules with a single pattern rule which can be used to build any .dat file from a .txt file in books/:

%.dat : books/%.txt
	python $^ $@

% is a Make wildcard, matching any number of any characters.

This rule can be interpreted as: “In order to build a file named [something].dat (the target) find a file named books/[that same something].txt (one of the dependencies) and run python [the dependencies] [the target].”

If we re-run Make,


$ make clean
$ make dats

then we get:


python books/isles.txt isles.dat
python books/abyss.txt abyss.dat
python books/last.txt last.dat

Note that we can still use Make to build individual .dat targets as before, and that our new rule will work no matter what stem is being matched.


$ make sierra.dat

which gives the output below:


python books/sierra.txt sierra.dat

Using Make Wildcards

The Make % wildcard can only be used in a target and in its dependencies. It cannot be used in actions. In actions, you may however use $*, which will be replaced by the stem with which the rule matched.

Our Makefile is now much shorter and cleaner:

# Generate summary table.
results.txt : isles.dat abyss.dat last.dat
	python $^ > $@

# Count words.
.PHONY : dats
dats : isles.dat abyss.dat last.dat

%.dat : books/%.txt
	python $^ $@

.PHONY : clean
clean :
	rm -f *.dat
	rm -f results.txt

Where We Are

This Makefile contains all of our work so far.

Key Points

  • Use the wildcard % as a placeholder in targets and dependencies.
  • Use the special variable $* to refer to matching sets of files in actions.

Content from Variables

Last updated on 2023-04-24 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 20 minutes



  • How can I eliminate redundancy in my Makefiles?


  • Use variables in a Makefile.
  • Explain the benefits of decoupling configuration from computation.

Despite our efforts, our Makefile still has repeated content, i.e. the name of our script –, and the program we use to run it – python. If we renamed our script we’d have to update our Makefile in multiple places.

We can introduce a Make variable (called a macro in some versions of Make) to hold our script name:

This is a variable assignment - COUNT_SRC is assigned the value

We can do the same thing with the interpreter language used to run the script:


$(...) tells Make to replace a variable with its value when Make is run. This is a variable reference. At any place where we want to use the value of a variable we have to write it, or reference it, in this way.

Here we reference the variables LANGUAGE and COUNT_SRC. This tells Make to replace the variable LANGUAGE with its value python, and to replace the variable COUNT_SRC with its value

Defining the variable LANGUAGE in this way avoids repeating python in our Makefile, and allows us to easily change how our script is run (e.g. we might want to use a different version of Python and need to change python to python2 – or we might want to rewrite the script using another language (e.g. switch from Python to R)).

Use Variables

Update Makefile so that the %.dat rule references the variable COUNT_SRC. Then do the same for the script and the results.txt rule, using ZIPF_SRC as the variable name.

This Makefile contains a solution to this challenge.

We place variables at the top of a Makefile so they are easy to find and modify. Alternatively, we can pull them out into a new file that just holds variable definitions (i.e. delete them from the original Makefile). Let us create

# Count words script.

# Test Zipf's rule

We can then import into Makefile using:


We can re-run Make to see that everything still works:


$ make clean
$ make dats
$ make results.txt

We have separated the configuration of our Makefile from its rules – the parts that do all the work. If we want to change our script name or how it is executed we just need to edit our configuration file, not our source code in Makefile. Decoupling code from configuration in this way is good programming practice, as it promotes more modular, flexible and reusable code.

Where We Are

This Makefile and its accompanying contain all of our work so far.

Key Points

  • Define variables by assigning values to names.
  • Reference variables using $(...).

Content from Functions

Last updated on 2023-04-24 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 25 minutes



  • How else can I eliminate redundancy in my Makefiles?


  • Write Makefiles that use functions to match and transform sets of files.

At this point, we have the following Makefile:


# Generate summary table.
results.txt : $(ZIPF_SRC) isles.dat abyss.dat last.dat
	$(LANGUAGE) $^ > $@

# Count words.
.PHONY : dats
dats : isles.dat abyss.dat last.dat

%.dat : $(COUNT_SRC) books/%.txt
	$(LANGUAGE) $^ $@

.PHONY : clean
clean :
	rm -f *.dat
	rm -f results.txt

Make has many functions which can be used to write more complex rules. One example is wildcard. wildcard gets a list of files matching some pattern, which we can then save in a variable. So, for example, we can get a list of all our text files (files ending in .txt) and save these in a variable by adding this at the beginning of our makefile:

TXT_FILES=$(wildcard books/*.txt)

We can add a .PHONY target and rule to show the variable’s value:

.PHONY : variables


Make prints actions as it executes them. Using @ at the start of an action tells Make not to print this action. So, by using @echo instead of echo, we can see the result of echo (the variable’s value being printed) but not the echo command itself.

If we run Make:


$ make variables

We get:


TXT_FILES: books/abyss.txt books/isles.txt books/last.txt books/sierra.txt

Note how sierra.txt is now included too.

patsubst (‘pattern substitution’) takes a pattern, a replacement string and a list of names in that order; each name in the list that matches the pattern is replaced by the replacement string. Again, we can save the result in a variable. So, for example, we can rewrite our list of text files into a list of data files (files ending in .dat) and save these in a variable:

DAT_FILES=$(patsubst books/%.txt, %.dat, $(TXT_FILES))

We can extend variables to show the value of DAT_FILES too:

.PHONY : variables

If we run Make,


$ make variables

then we get:


TXT_FILES: books/abyss.txt books/isles.txt books/last.txt books/sierra.txt
DAT_FILES: abyss.dat isles.dat last.dat sierra.dat

Now, sierra.txt is processed too.

With these we can rewrite clean and dats:

.PHONY : dats
dats : $(DAT_FILES)

.PHONY : clean
clean :
	rm -f $(DAT_FILES)
	rm -f results.txt

Let’s check:


$ make clean
$ make dats

We get:


python books/abyss.txt abyss.dat
python books/isles.txt isles.dat
python books/last.txt last.dat
python books/sierra.txt sierra.dat

We can also rewrite results.txt:

results.txt : $(ZIPF_SRC) $(DAT_FILES)
	$(LANGUAGE) $^ > $@

If we re-run Make:


$ make clean
$ make results.txt

We get:


python books/abyss.txt abyss.dat
python books/isles.txt isles.dat
python books/last.txt last.dat
python books/sierra.txt sierra.dat
python  last.dat  isles.dat  abyss.dat  sierra.dat > results.txt

Let’s check the results.txt file:


$ cat results.txt


Book	First	Second	Ratio
abyss	4044	2807	1.44
isles	3822	2460	1.55
last	12244	5566	2.20
sierra	4242	2469	1.72

So the range of the ratios of occurrences of the two most frequent words in our books is indeed around 2, as predicted by Zipf’s Law, i.e., the most frequently-occurring word occurs approximately twice as often as the second most frequent word. Here is our final Makefile:


TXT_FILES=$(wildcard books/*.txt)
DAT_FILES=$(patsubst books/%.txt, %.dat, $(TXT_FILES))

# Generate summary table.
results.txt : $(ZIPF_SRC) $(DAT_FILES)
	$(LANGUAGE) S^ > $@

# Count words.
.PHONY : dats
dats : $(DAT_FILES)

%.dat : $(COUNT_SRC) books/%.txt
	$(LANGUAGE) $^ $@

.PHONY : clean
clean :
	rm -f $(DAT_FILES)
	rm -f results.txt

.PHONY : variables

Remember, the file contains:

# Count words script.

# Test Zipf's rule

The following figure shows the dependencies embodied within our Makefile, involved in building the results.txt target, now we have introduced our function:

results.txt dependencies after introducing a function

Where We Are

This Makefile and its accompanying contain all of our work so far.

Adding more books

We can now do a better job at testing Zipf’s rule by adding more books. The books we have used come from the Project Gutenberg website. Project Gutenberg offers thousands of free ebooks to download.

Exercise instructions:

  • go to Project Gutenberg and use the search box to find another book, for example ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ from Oscar Wilde.
  • download the ‘Plain Text UTF-8’ version and save it to the books folder; choose a short name for the file (that doesn’t include spaces) e.g. “dorian_gray.txt” because the filename is going to be used in the results.txt file
  • optionally, open the file in a text editor and remove extraneous text at the beginning and end (look for the phrase END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK [title])
  • run make and check that the correct commands are run, given the dependency tree
  • check the results.txt file to see how this book compares to the others

Key Points

  • Make is actually a small programming language with many built-in functions.
  • Use wildcard function to get lists of files matching a pattern.
  • Use patsubst function to rewrite file names.

Content from Self-Documenting Makefiles

Last updated on 2023-04-24 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 10 minutes



  • How should I document a Makefile?


  • Write self-documenting Makefiles with built-in help.

Many bash commands, and programs that people have written that can be run from within bash, support a --help flag to display more information on how to use the commands or programs. In this spirit, it can be useful, both for ourselves and for others, to provide a help target in our Makefiles. This can provide a summary of the names of the key targets and what they do, so we don’t need to look at the Makefile itself unless we want to. For our Makefile, running a help target might print:


$ make help


results.txt : Generate Zipf summary table.
dats        : Count words in text files.
clean       : Remove auto-generated files.

So, how would we implement this? We could write a rule like:

.PHONY : help
help :
	@echo "results.txt : Generate Zipf summary table."
	@echo "dats        : Count words in text files."
	@echo "clean       : Remove auto-generated files."

But every time we add or remove a rule, or change the description of a rule, we would have to update this rule too. It would be better if we could keep the descriptions of the rules by the rules themselves and extract these descriptions automatically.

The bash shell can help us here. It provides a command called sed which stands for ‘stream editor’. sed reads in some text, does some filtering, and writes out the filtered text.

So, we could write comments for our rules, and mark them up in a way which sed can detect. Since Make uses # for comments, we can use ## for comments that describe what a rule does and that we want sed to detect. For example:

## results.txt : Generate Zipf summary table.
results.txt : $(ZIPF_SRC) $(DAT_FILES)
	$(LANGUAGE) $^ > $@

## dats        : Count words in text files.
.PHONY : dats
dats : $(DAT_FILES)

%.dat : $(COUNT_SRC) books/%.txt
	$(LANGUAGE) $^ $@

## clean       : Remove auto-generated files.
.PHONY : clean
clean :
	rm -f $(DAT_FILES)
	rm -f results.txt

## variables   : Print variables.
.PHONY : variables

We use ## so we can distinguish between comments that we want sed to automatically filter, and other comments that may describe what other rules do, or that describe variables.

We can then write a help target that applies sed to our Makefile:

.PHONY : help
help : Makefile
	@sed -n 's/^##//p' $<

This rule depends upon the Makefile itself. It runs sed on the first dependency of the rule, which is our Makefile, and tells sed to get all the lines that begin with ##, which sed then prints for us.

If we now run


$ make help

we get:


 results.txt : Generate Zipf summary table.
 dats        : Count words in text files.
 clean       : Remove auto-generated files.
 variables   : Print variables.

If we add, change or remove a target or rule, we now only need to remember to add, update or remove a comment next to the rule. So long as we respect our convention of using ## for such comments, then our help rule will take care of detecting these comments and printing them for us.

Where We Are

This Makefile and its accompanying contain all of our work so far.

Key Points

  • Document Makefiles by adding specially-formatted comments and a target to extract and format them.

Content from Conclusion

Last updated on 2023-04-24 | Edit this page

Estimated time: 35 minutes



  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of using tools like Make?


  • Understand advantages of automated build tools such as Make.

Automated build tools such as Make can help us in a number of ways. They help us to automate repetitive commands, hence saving us time and reducing the likelihood of errors compared with running these commands manually.

They can also save time by ensuring that automatically-generated artifacts (such as data files or plots) are only recreated when the files that were used to create these have changed in some way.

Through their notion of targets, dependencies, and actions, they serve as a form of documentation, recording dependencies between code, scripts, tools, configurations, raw data, derived data, plots, and papers.

Creating PNGs

Add new rules, update existing rules, and add new variables to:

  • Create .png files from .dat files using
  • Remove all auto-generated files (.dat, .png, results.txt).

Finally, many Makefiles define a default phony target called all as first target, that will build what the Makefile has been written to build (e.g. in our case, the .png files and the results.txt file). As others may assume your Makefile conforms to convention and supports an all target, add an all target to your Makefile (Hint: this rule has the results.txt file and the .png files as dependencies, but no actions). With that in place, instead of running make results.txt, you should now run make all, or just simply make. By default, make runs the first target it finds in the Makefile, in this case your new all target.

This Makefile and this contain a solution to this challenge.

The following figure shows the dependencies involved in building the all target, once we’ve added support for images:

results.txt dependencies once images have been added

Creating an Archive

Often it is useful to create an archive file of your project that includes all data, code and results. An archive file can package many files into a single file that can easily be downloaded and shared with collaborators. We can add steps to create the archive file inside the Makefile itself so it’s easy to update our archive file as the project changes.

Edit the Makefile to create an archive file of your project. Add new rules, update existing rules and add new variables to:

  • Create a new directory called zipf_analysis in the project directory.

  • Copy all our code, data, plots, the Zipf summary table, the Makefile and to this directory. The cp -r command can be used to copy files and directories into the new zipf_analysis directory:


    $ cp -r [files and directories to copy] zipf_analysis/
  • Hint: create a new variable for the books directory so that it can be copied to the new zipf_analysis directory

  • Create an archive, zipf_analysis.tar.gz, of this directory. The bash command tar can be used, as follows:


    $ tar -czf zipf_analysis.tar.gz zipf_analysis
  • Update the target all so that it creates zipf_analysis.tar.gz.

  • Remove zipf_analysis.tar.gz when make clean is called.

  • Print the values of any additional variables you have defined when make variables is called.

This Makefile and this contain a solution to this challenge.

Archiving the Makefile

Why does the Makefile rule for the archive directory add the Makefile to our archive of code, data, plots and Zipf summary table?

Our code files (,, implement the individual parts of our workflow. They allow us to create .dat files from .txt files, and results.txt and .png files from .dat files. Our Makefile, however, documents dependencies between our code, raw data, derived data, and plots, as well as implementing our workflow as a whole. contains configuration information for our Makefile, so it must be archived too.

touch the Archive Directory

Why does the Makefile rule for the archive directory touch the archive directory after moving our code, data, plots and summary table into it?

A directory’s timestamp is not automatically updated when files are copied into it. If the code, data, plots, and summary table are updated and copied into the archive directory, the archive directory’s timestamp must be updated with touch so that the rule that makes zipf_analysis.tar.gz knows to run again; without this touch, zipf_analysis.tar.gz will only be created the first time the rule is run and will not be updated on subsequent runs even if the contents of the archive directory have changed.

Key Points

  • Makefiles save time by automating repetitive work, and save thinking by documenting how to reproduce results.