Extra challenges (optional)
Last updated on 2023-05-02 | Edit this page
Estimated time: 35 minutes
- Are there extra challenges to practice translating plain English queries to SQL queries?
- Extra challenges to practice creating SQL queries.
Extra challenges (optional)
SQL queries help us ask specific questions which we want to answer about our data. The real skill with SQL is to know how to translate our questions into a sensible SQL queries (and subsequently visualise and interpret our results).
Have a look at the following questions; these questions are written in plain English. Can you translate them to SQL queries and give a suitable answer?
Also, if you would like to learn more SQL concepts and try additional challenges, see the Software Carpentry Databases and SQL lesson.
Challenge 1
How many articles
are there from each
? Can you make an alias for the number of
articles? Can you order the results by articles?
Challenge 2
How many papers have a single author? How many have 2 authors? How many 3? etc?
Challenge 3
How many articles are published for each Language
Ignore articles where language is unknown.
Challenge 4
How many articles are published for each Licence
and what is the average number of citations for that
Challenge 5
Write a query that returns
Title, First_Author, Author_Count, Citation_Count, Month, Year, Journal_Title and Publisher
for articles in the database.
Key Points
- It takes time and practice to learn how to translate plain English queries into SQL queries.